Grab My Button Please!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are you really following me?

So I need two more followers (part of them should not even count since I made them follow me mwahahaha) until I reach my first goal of 10 and will have a custom card to giveaway. Do you see where I am going with this? I can get irritating, really pesty. Just ask my kids and husband....and well anyone else for that matter. I can also ramble on for ddddddaaaaaayyyyyyssssss. So please do not make me beg. I do not know why I care so much about having followers, but I guess I would rather have a select few followers that will actually read my blog rather than the ones that follow in the beginning and never look again. I appreciate any and all kinds of comments, well prefer nice ones. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Please take a moment and subscribe to my blog even if you are already a follower so that you actually see what I am writing and can see my photos and what not. I take pride in my new interest in blogging and I spend the time to write it and hope others spend the time to read it.
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!


Jessica said...

I'm reading, although I'm not sure I count :)
..If we blog it, they will come!

Artsy Alcie said...

Sure you count...